The premiere healthcare business system in the world. Not just revenue cycle management, not just telemedicine, not just quality assurance, not just supply and inventory management, not just a cloud based software that walks the patient through the entire healthcare process and assures the best collaborative healthcare and the lowest price, but Portico(c) is artificial intelligence that captures all information from the patient encounter, builds on it, and increases the specificity of its recommendations based on real time, dynamic feedback from every patient being managed in our system. We want to build smart offices that utilize our technology for 90% of office functions.

About Portico

In today’s world, with satellites, computers, technology, analytics, virtual reality, and fiber-optic there is no reason that every person cannot be afforded first rate, affordable, collaborative healthcare. Portico is that solution. It incorporates the best technology in telemedicine, evidence-based medicine, analytics, artificial intelligence, 3D printing, government oversight, satellite communication and collaborative quality-based patient care to create a worldwide web of superior quality healthcare integration. Portico differentially diagnoses based on evidence-based medicine, integrates with more than 1000 insurance carriers, allows for the immediate sharing of patient files and diagnostics in a HIPPA compliant, secured manner…accessible from computer, tablet, or cell phone. Through Microsoft translator, Portico allows for providers across the world to collaborate on patient care, sharing information and decision making, reducing costs, redundancy, and provider errors. Portico is the hub that coordinates care, manages real and virtual healthcare facilities and offices, integrated blue tooth compatible diagnostic equipment and ensures medical necessity for all decisions regarding patient health.

PORTICO Pitch Deck(a) (1)

Portico is to ALL Medical technology what DOS is to Microsoft Windows and ALL windows compatible devices.

It works in the background bridging systems and devices for enhanced capabilities and communcations between systems

Realities of The Deficits in our Healthcare System

Realities of The Deficits in Our Healthcare System
U.S. Annual Healthcare Spending is $3.3 Trillion
$60 billion lost annually to fraud, waste, and abuse Healthcare is No. 1 source of personal bankruptcy filings in the U.S., and an estimated 40% of Americans racked up debt resulting from a medical issue.
Smaller healthcare providers are being swallowed by the larger healthcare systems…driving them out of business
41 million Americans are considered underinsured
As much as 1/3 of deaths are avoidable with proper healthcare

So We.......

Built an artificial intelligence able to bridge the gaps in healthcare.
It guides decisions according to evidence-based medicine, bridges providers, institutions, insurers, libraries, remote resources, as well as interfaces with a wide breadth of technology.
It’s smart! It analyzes information in a dynamic manner and uses that information to become more efficient in its health recommendations.
It manages revenue cycle, supply and inventory,
allows for economies of scale, drastically reducing waste and redundancy.

Our Customers

Our customers are insurers, providers, facilities, patients, self-funded health plans, and so many more.  Accountable care organizations utilize Portico to manage MACRA requirement s.  Health systems utilize Portico technology to lower expenses and optimize patient care and revenue. Dentists use Portico to stream line the process of seeking medical reimbursement for dental procedures. We are coordinating revenue cycle and patient management between primary practitioners, hospitals, ancillary providers such as blood and specialty laboratories, pharmacies, DME providers, and nearly 20 other types of ancillary providers.

Dental-Medical integration:

$117 billion spent annually on dental in the U.S. Portico is the only cloud based software system that incorporates payer guidelines, pre approved diagnostic codes, procedural codes, accomplishing both letters of medical necessity and operative reports for our subscribers. A couple of dental procedures per month, accomplished through Portico and billed to commercial payers, doubles the average dentist’s net income and relieves patients of the huge out of pocket costs that accompany many of these procedures.

Health services integration:

Portico is a cloud based platform that can either be used as a stand alone system, integrated and interfaced into existing EMRs and EHRs, or can be modulated as needed.

Integration of emerging foreign markets:

We bridge healthcare world-wide, bringing first class healthcare to the most remote areas. As long as the providers have internet access, we can bring Portico’s advanced technology to any system in the world.


From rural health, to state and federal prisons, to the indigent and urgent care markets, Portico is being used to provide affordable health to those who have no or limited access to it.

Artificial Intelligence:

Information, digitized and hosted in the cloud, is analyzed and applied to machine learning and with artificial intelligence, is used to predict the best course of treatment and the most affordable price, based on genetics, health history, presentation, and other information collected.

Modeled integrated clinics (Smart Clinics):

Systems are streamlined, digitized, automated, and continually monitored and improved. In that Portico is cloud based, the information, including patient all files and information, is always available from any location. Travelers overseas can go to a Portico Smart Clinic and interact with their own physicians stateside.