IHS Portico© Smart Offices use data and machine learning to coordinate patient care and administrative activity. From the very first time that a patient clicks on our website, they are inside of the IHS Smart Office experience. Our digitized communications, revenue cycle management, scheduling, supply management, tele-medicine, and file transfer, increases the efficacy, decreases the cost and redundancy, and enhances the overall patient experience.
analyzing everything, patient care, office expenses and tasks, and time to care
challenges can be identified and their impact on the business quantified. IHS Smart
Office then analyzes, suggests, and implements cost saving, time saving, and income
enhancing policies, procedures, and protocols to reduce the administrative
burden that reduces productivity
Our ultimate goal is to increase efficacy of patient care, reduce redundancy and expense, and get the patient better…faster.
Here is how Portico Smart Office digitization will help you achieve those objectives.
- Time savings: Many of the manual and time consuming day to day tasks are automated through Portico; from patient scheduling, office paperwork, verification of benefits, letters of medical necessity, operative notes, and so much more
- Improved analytics: Our smart technology assesses all aspects of patient care; how long the patient spends at each station in the office, how long it takes for full resolution of the patient’s condition, what combination of procedures, medicine, and lifestyle changes most consistently resolves the patients’ conditions based on genetics, demographics, presentation, history, and so much more.
- Employee satisfaction: The more work that’s done online, the easier it is for your employees to have information at their fingertips. Not only do most employees prefer to do it themselves, digital tools allow teams to be productive while moving around the works pace or while out of the office. This creates flexibility that can be key to your team. Furthermore, many employees describe the headache of having to integrate multiple systems together, such as Emrs, Dropbox and Google Drive. Automation takes care of all of this for them, which improves their job satisfaction in the long term.
- Patient satisfaction: Give your patients one point of contact for all of their needs, whether a new patient with technical questions or experienced user asking about their statement. Patients have expressed that they want to be involved in the decision making regarding their healthcare. They also want collaboration among health providers in regards to evaluation, care plans, and finances. Portico makes that a reality for patients.
- Security: Regardless of the tools used, employees will access them all from our portal. The protected health information remains protected behind fire walls on Microsoft’s Azure cloud based hosting platform. Portico manages access to the information, which allows for patients and providers to instantly share healthcare files, films, tests, test results, etc. with whomever is authorized. No more going from one provider to the next in an attempt to collect multiple healthcare files that may be in different states, and even in different nations.
- Direct cost savings: In the old days, a fleet of administrative staff would communicate back-and-forth just to set a meeting. Today, technologies like supply management with automatic reordering, digitized human resource functionality with Portico controlled staff training, testing, placement, and assignments between various Portico Smart Offices allows providers to operate an office which is much more efficient, with fewer resources, less redundancy, and less headaches.